Seokhee Jeon

Seokhee Jeon, Ph.D.

Haptics and Virtual Reality Laboratory
School of Computing
College of Software Convergence
Kyung Hee University

Electronics & Information College Building, Kyung Hee University, Global Campus
Seocheon-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, 446-701

Office: Room 319
Phone: +82 31 201 3485
E-mail: jeon { AT }
Curriculum Vitae: pdf

Seokhee Jeon is a researcher, a collector, and a modeller.

As a researcher, Dr. Jeon is directing the Haptics and Virtual Reality Laboratory at Kyung Hee University. While in the Lab., he usually thinks how haptic technology would benefit people. Some of the results of his deliberation can be found here in my research page and in my Google Citation site

Seokhee is also a collector of classic cameras. He collects and fixes classic film cameras. He loves to appreciate pure spring-and-gear-powered mechnical beauties that do not consume anything to take pictures. He is excited when a battered camera from 50s found in a garbage sale turns into an excellent picture taker after CLA (Clean, Lube, and Adjust). His collection ranges from petite Minox EL 35 to gigantic Pentax 67, from Garman-tech Leica Barnack IIIf to Russian-standard Kiev IV, and from tiny 110 format camera to 617 medium panoramic format camera, and he is proud of the collection.

Seokhee Jeon Seokhee Jeon Seokhee Jeon Seokhee Jeon Seokhee Jeon Seokhee Jeon Seokhee Jeon Seokhee Jeon Seokhee Jeon Seokhee Jeon