Advanced Human Computer Interaction

Advanced Human Computer Interaction (CSE 730200) ​Spring 2020


Instructor:     Seokhee Jeon, Ph.D.
Class Time and Room: Tue/Thu 15:00-16:15, Room 309
Language: English Language Class
Instructor Contact:, 031-201-3485, Room 319
Class link: KLAS  ‎
Text Book: Lecture Note, Y. Rogers, H. Sharp, and J. Preece, “Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, 3rd Edition,” Wiley, West Sussex, UK, 2011.

Course Summary: ​The Advanced HCI lecture provides the theoretical background on the entire process of user-centered computer interface design (user needs analysis – user experience design -prototyping – user experience evaluation and feedback), as well as make the students actually experience the well-established methodologies of the steps in existing research by making the students apply the methodology to actual problems. In particular, this class takes advantage of the characteristics of graduate school classes that all graduate students have their own research topics and research projects, asking the student to find user experience factors or issues that each graduate student can apply to their research, and making the student solve these issues. The class provides a process to conduct the entire procedure to do it yourself while carrying out the project. In this course, students themselves conduct 1. contextual question-based user and behavior analysis, 2. efficient prototyping for user testing purposes, 3. usability / user experience evaluation and statistical analysis for subjects, 4. advanced design based on evaluation results Inducing and contributing to the actual research by applying the entire process of user experience design that repeats the above process again and again to the problem of his research subject. Therefore, it promotes the excellence of graduate students’ research by encouraging the results of this class to be one of the contributions of their research results (thesis, patent, assignment report) or independent research results.

Grading: Your grade will be determined based on the following three points
1. Project Activity (40%): In-class team-based activities for HCI tools
2. Attendance (10%): Affects your grading from 3 misses
3. Term Project (50%): Three presentations and reports (Proposal, Implementation, and user study)

The lecture consists of three part as follows.

  1. Learning knowledge through lecturing: Conventional verbal-based lecturing on theoretical facts and HCI tools.
  2. Acquiring skills by do-it-yourself: Project activities that provide students do-it-yourself experiences of HCI tools applied to their own research field
  3. Actual Problem solving via project: Term project where students define a HCI-related problem in their own research field and propose, implement, and evaluate the solution for the problem using HCI tools

The following sections describe each of the three parts.

1. Learning knowledge: Course Notes

Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Human Characteristics
Lecture 3: Interaction
Lecture 4: HCI goals
Lecture 5: Usability_Affection
Lecture 6: Analysis
Lecture 7: Interaction Design
Lecture 8: Evaluation
Lecture 9: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Lecture 10: Haptic Interaction

2. Acquiring skills: Project Activity

In order for the student to get familiar with the important HCI tools taught in the class, the student will experience the actual application of the tools to relevant issues in their own research field. The list of the activities are

  1. Activity 1: Good and bad HCI examples among systems or services used in your research domain in terms of the three HCI principles
  2. Activity 2: Four interaction steps in the domain system, and gulfs of execution and evaluation in the interaction (gap between mental model and systems image
  3. Activity 3: Usability heuristics applied to the system you use frequently for your research
  4. Activity 4: From Contextual Inquiry to Scenario-based task analysis
  5. Activity 5: Personas for your systems
  6. Activity 6: Low-fidelity paper prototyping of the tool in your research domain
  7. Activity 7: Heuristic evaluation of the paper prototype
  8. Activity 8: Usability test (User study) for the prototype

3. Actual Problem solving: Term Project 

You have two different options for the term project.

Option 1: Making your own Interactive system/service

In this option, two or three students make a team and propose, implement, and evaluate a prototype of a new (or improved) user interface of a digital service (or device). You can freely choose a topic, but your target system should be highly interactive and related to HCI. The broad goal of this term project is that each of you comes up with nice novel ideas, goes through the whole process of conducting a research including a literature survey, implementation, and evaluation, and finally writes a research paper or a patent.

If you have your own project for your research in your laboratory, it is highly recommended for you to connect it with this term project. But note again that the topic should be related to HCI. If you want to use your research topic that is not quite relevant, you may add additional HCI feature

s to your research topic. For example, if your topic is about internal security algorithms of a cloud computing system, you may add user interface for the security module for this term project.

Topics related to haptics are also very welcome. If you are interested in haptics research and want to do something in haptics for the project, you may ask Prof. Seokhee Jeon for a possible topic.

Your target UI should be novel and feasible to be implemented.  Finding appropriate topic is also one of the grading criteria.

Selected examples from previous students are as follows.

  • 3D Point Cloud Model Player (Students from Computer Vision Lab.)
  • Front-end interface design of facial recognition system (Student from Machine learning lab.)
  • Image to haptic: Generating haptic texture from image (Student from Haptics and VR Lab.)
  • Usability of Packet Monitoring Apps (Student from Information Communication Lab.)

Smart Water System through Smart Grid (Student from Networking Lab.)

  • More Examples

You should also consider the level of difficulty of your topic. You may use the Wizard of Oz technique (implement only the IO) if your topic is impossible to be implemented within a semester. In addition, you may do so if your topic needs special hardware that is very expensive or hard to acquire. However, in this case grading weight moves to the evaluation part, and you should conduct an extensive evaluation process.

In the haptics laboratory, the following devices are ready for your use if you need.

The project consists of three parts.

Part A: Proposal

Submit four-page proposal about your topic and give 10-minute presentation on the proposal presentation day. The proposal should include the followings.

  1. Introduction
    Write a description of the topic, including
  1. Detailed objective of your proposal (together with your long-term goal if exists)
  2. Describe the problem
    1. If your topic is to improve an existing interface, clearly stating the issues with the existing interface, and identify why you think improving the interface would address the issue
    2. If your topic is to develop a novel system, state the benefits of your proposed system and why you think so.
  • If needed, do a user interview to check your issues and motivation are correctly stated.
  1. Describe the motivation why this topic is important. Clear scope of the issue (who will be affected by it and how). Other impacts in corresponding field (industrial, academic, applications)
  1. Full literature survey
    1. The state-of-the-art survey.
    2. Related work section in a technical paper.
    3. Should be thorough and well organized
  2. Define project
    1. Describe your design plan in detail with design rationale
    2. Technology analysis (what kind of software, hardware components are needed and how they are related)
    3. Brief task analysis

Part B: Implementation

Implementation of the proposed idea. Give a 10-minute presentation and submit 2-page report on the implementation presentation day. The report and presentation should include…

  1. Implementation detail
    Hardware, and software you used.
    How you actually embedded the HCI guidelines and principles into the implementation
  2. Implementation results
    Working demo (or movies/pictures)
    Completeness(How complete do you achieved your goal specified in Part A).
  3. Discussion
    Shortcomings and things that should be improved
    Expected future work

Part C: Evaluating Interface and writing

Evaluate your implementation through a user study or a physical performance evaluation. Do a comparison test. For example, if your proposal is about improving the interface of a mobile phone, compare the usability/physical performance (or other criteria) of your implementation with existing interface. If you do a user study, use at least 4 participant in your experiment. You should also submit a final report and present your result on the last day of the semester. The report and presentation should include…

  1. Experimental Design
    Population- Specify who participates in your study.
    Hypotheses- Specify primary and secondary hypotheses
    Study conditions- Within vs. between subject design, dependent and independent variables, levels of each independent variables
    Experimental procedure- Detailed procedure for the participant
    Independent variable data process- How you will process the data you measured
  2. Conducting experiment
    Pictures took from the actual experiment
  3. Experimental results
    Graph for statistics (mean, variance)
    Statistical analysis if needed (ANOVA test)

What are the findings form the experiment?
your conclusion
Option 2: Research paper implementation and improvement

For your second option, you choose a technical paper in HCI or haptics research field, implement the algorithms of the paper, and evaluate and improve the algorithm. Once you choose this option, you should first come to see the professor and discuss the selection of the paper. This is also a 2-3-student-team project

The schedule is as follows

Choosing a paper (for 2 weeks)

Implementing the algorithm (for 5 weeks, presentation)

Evaluation of the implementation (for 2 weeks)

Improvement of the implementation (for 2 weeks, presentation)